Monday 7 April 2014

Here comes the summer sun along with summer related woes

Summer is just along the corner! It’s time to put away your winter garments and bring out the beach wear. But with the advent of summer come summer related woes such as acne, rashes, skin and scalp infection etc. These pesky problems can be a real downer and keep you from fully enjoying the summer season. Here are a few tips for alleviating some of the most common summer related woes:

Skin related woes

Exposure to sunlight

The most common skin problems that arise during summer is over exposure to sunlight making skin dull and acne. For the first one experts suggest applying sunscreen but not just any sunscreen would do! Always opt for SPF (sun protection factor) which varies from skin type to skin type and dependent on geographic conditions. Apply sunscreen generously on all exposed areas of the body including face, hands and neck at least 30 minutes prior to venturing outdoors. Make applying sunscreen a habit even when you are indoors.


Acne sprouting up during summer is a cruel reality. We all have to deal with it. Some try to cover it up whilst others seek out ways to alleviate it. Here are some tips that would help you against this pesky inconvenience:

Oil control

In the summer due to dryness oil glands in the skin excrete extra oil which clogs the pores and creates blemishes like blackheads. To remedy the situation use a water based toner two times a day. This will open up clogged pores and keep your skin blemish free. Remember to watch out for alcohol based toners which will further exacerbate the situation instead of making it better.

Exfoliation and facial products

Exfoliation is the process of sloughing off dead skin. This process is of immense value during the summer to keep the skin radiant and youthful. This is a dual pronged strategy which will not only help you keep your skin pores open but also help get rid of dead skin cell which cause bacteria buildup leading to acne development. There are various facial scrubs available in the market which accomplish this.

Speaking of facial products, it’s highly recommended to switch to products which have salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide as active ingredients. Both these ingredients work miracle for the skin, rejuvenating and promoting production of collagen which is essential for healthy skin and elasticity.

Hair related troubles

Summer can be particularly tough on the hair as they are overexposed to harsh sunlight depriving them of moisture and nutrients. Needless to say using hairstyling products which are chemical based is a big NO NO! They will further dull your hair making them lifeless and cause damage. Even shampoos have the tendency to exacerbate the condition. This calls for adoption of natural oils like coconut oil and olive oil which have necessary nutrients to keep the hair healthy and retain moisture.

Skin related woes

During summer the body produces more sweat to keep the internal temperature maintained. This leads to skin conditions like eczema and fungal infections. To keep this from happening opt for lose fitting clothes made from natural fiber like cotton instead of manmade fibers like polyester. Generously apply foot powder and talcum powder in places like underarms and groins to soak up excess moisture there. Specially medicated talcum powders having various pleasant fragrances are available in the market just for such circumstances.

Summer should be a time of festivities, beach going and enjoying the warm blaze of the sun! just adhere to these simple manageable tasks and incorporate them in your daily routine to get the best out of this season. 

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